Sunday, January 20, 2008


pop culture thoughts

- i saw cloverfield tonight with seth, josh, keith, et al. mind is still blown.

- someone asked me a few weeks ago about what it is i look for in music (i think dad asked me this). jon foreman's song "the cure for pain" pretty much sums up everything i look for in a song. listen to it here.

- also, more comments on the last post are welcomed.

ps. anna (who has a cool blog) became the first person (finally) to reference the quote under the title (stand at the crossroads...): major bonus points to whoever can tell me were that quote is from...i'll make you a shirt or something.


NickW said...

Cloverfield was a fantastic movie. Did you catch what was in the background during the final scene?

Anonymous said...

steve, i really loved reading your last post and then scrolling up and reading the section that you have under your title. no advice today, but I'm praying for you now. i'm not a big fan of transitions--except for sometimes...well, maybe i am...until they happen, i guess. i'm excited for you.
see ya.

Anonymous said...

Hey Steve! Thanks the for the words of encouragement on my blog. I really dig your blog, and look forward to the posts to come. I am sure you have covered this elsewhere, but what is the story behind the numbered titles?

P.S. Batman seems to be a favorite. I guess he is more realistic and approachable. Peace Be With You.

Anonymous said...

john "used his resources" to find the verses. as the big sister, i officially call that cheating.

boutry said...

yes, after i posted the "challenge" it was pointed out to me how easy it would be to cheat...oh well.

Anonymous said...

"...But you said, "We will not walk in it...We will not listen."
Second book of the latter Nebi'im. 6.16

this is not cheating!!!

boutry said...

even if you cheated, i am impressed with your hebrew knowledge and terminology...definite bonus points!

Anonymous said...

arg. i want a refund on bible college. i didn't know this stuff.