
8-24-11 2 miles with 4x150 strides
8-23-11 Starting new training program for the next Half in November. Bumped up from Beginning to Intermediate (running more miles and more times a week). Today: 5 miles with 4x400 tempos
8-18-11 5 miles
8-16-11 4 miles
8-13-11 5 miles
8-11-11 4 miles
8-9-11 back on it! 3 miles!
8-7-11 Providence Rock 'N Roll Half Marathon...finished under 2 hours in the pouring rain!
8-6-11 2 miles (race is tomorrow!!!)
8-4-11 4 miles
8-2-11 5 miles with tempos
7-30-11 ran about 8 along the to change up the routine but the heat got us a bit today...only 3 more training runs!!!
7-28-11 7.5 and humid
7-26-11 tempos...hard! 4 6 min temps
7-25-11 6 miles to the beach and to the pier
7-21-11 did my tempos today...we are having a record heat wave, so i did it early in the morning. still was soaking wet by the time i finished. took my shirt off and wrung it out like i had dropped it in the lake. soaked! weekend long run will be interesting.
7-20-11 so it turns out i was sick. or at least coming down with something. helps explain why i felt so bad on saturday. put off my tuesday run to try to get a little better and then put in 6 miles today. actually felt good for the most part.
7-16-11 felt TERRIBLE the entire run (which was long today, 11 miles again)...the first third i had heavy/dead legs, the second third stomach problems, and the final third was just a battle to stay upright. brutally humid too. training in the summer is not fun.
7-14-11 six miles...weird run, started off great, felt terrible in the middle, finished strong. can't figure it out.
7-12-11 six mile run with crazy tempos. 3 of 5 min and 4 of 1 min. again, the humidity was off the running in the rain!
7-9-11 11 mile run around east boston, winthrop, and deer island. first run with water and food mixed in. felt like i did a good job keeping myself fueled and hydrated. new experience for me and i can say it made a difference!
7-7-11 Six mile run...felt pretty good, but incredibly humid these days!!! have to run early.
7-4-11 Spreckles 2011 4th of July 10K. Fun celebration they do in Spreckles...also saw a lot of old/familiar faces. Surreal! Ran it in just over 50 min, for about an 8:10 mile which was my goal. Still would love to be faster but all things consider, really happy with this run!
6-30-11 6 miles with tempos...weird run, felt terrible at times, and great at times. i think all the traveling and time changes and different foods of the last month might be catching up to me!
6-28-11 5 miles of nothing special...getting ready for monday (Spreckles 10K!!!)
6-26-11 back in called for only 2 miles. thank you training program!
6-24-11 ran 3 miles around the neighborhood amy grew up in. felt tired.
6-22-11 tempo day at hartnell track. 4 two min tempos for a total of 4 miles.
6-20-11 ran 5 miles in would think one who runs in the city of Boston wouldn’t be intimidated by running in Salinas, but it was hard! lot of Ag trucks to contend a strong wind, warm weather, mud, sprinklers, and highway 68 made for an interesting day.
6-16-11 5 tempos of 3 minutes each. HARD! totaled about 5 miles.
6-14-11 ran 4 miles...supposed to be a strength day so i hope running up a long steep hill at 3000 ft works.
6-12-11 First vacation run. Supposed to go 8 miles but got wicked lost running trails with John Paul and Amy up in Burney, CA...probably more like 6 but a solid hour of running at elevation is really good.
6-9-11 5 two minute tempos...two mile warm up, warm down, and tempos add up to over 4 miles
6-7-11 4 miles plus some strength training
6-4-11 another 7 miler around deer island. love this run!!
6-2-11 4 miles with "tempos"...also known as speed work. again, feeling it big time after this run!
5-31-11 4 miles and strength training. muscles were feeling it afterwards
5-28-11 7 miles around deer island today. felt great. much cooler than thursday which just adds to my theory that i was designed to run long distances in cool weather. felt like i could have kept going for a while!
5-26-11 another 4 miler. super hot by 9 am, so this was a little rough!
5-24-11 solid run of 4 miles. not much else to say about this one =)
5-21-11 if the world ended today it would have ended (for me) at the end of a remarkable run. amy and i ran around deer island, which was our first time out there. parts of the island are beautiful and even reminiscent of maine...other parts (the water treatment/wind harvesting part) feel like the set of a science fiction movie. crazy. definitely doing that run again though!
5-19-11 day 2 of training...4 more miles...felt really good is fantastic to be back in a regular rhythm of running and training!
5-17-11 day one of training for this. 4 miles in the rain...not bad!
5-14-11 so, i've totally been running, and i totally have not been writing about it. my bad! ran the marathon PT 5 K today. time of 23:04, which was a little better than i was hoping for, so go me! hoping to do a 10 k and a half marathon this summer so hopefully more updates will be forthcoming.
2-26-11 first time out, post-race...ran for about 30 minutes. it felt short and i felt fast but it probably wasn't as awesome as i'd like to think =)
2-20-11 ran the foxborough "old fashioned ten miler" today. 10 miles in 1:28:10 or something like that (results can be found here). thoughts on the race: i was proud of myself, aiming for 10 min pace i actually beat 9. the course itself wasn't as hard as i thought...if i had to do it over i might have pushed harder in a couple of spots. on the other hand, my goal was to run the whole thing and finish strong which i accomplished. i also think i did a great job of prepping as far as eating, stretching, clothing choices (it was about 28-32 degrees for the whole race) etc. i felt really good most of the time. the only thing that went wrong was the formation of blisters on the insides of both of my feet at mile 5. now, this might have been beneficial, as the pain helped keep me in pace (if my feet felt great it might have been really tempting to open it up earlier and wear myself out). on the other hand, i ran half the race with some huge blisters. not sure what happened there. they formed at a mile i've run several times so it could not have been the distance. might have tied my shoes too tight...might have been the socks. we'll see how i feel tomorrow, but i am really encouraged by how my body feels after this: no foot or back pain (yet).
2-17-11 30 minutes of hard running. nothing more until sunday. 10 miles here we come!
2-15-11 55 min run...felt really good...mild pain in my left foot at about 40 min but it went away quickly. timed my run today by using an "explosions in the sky" playlist. epic. i don't know if i will ever run without it again. feeling a lot better about sunday. it won't be pretty but i'll finish!
2-12-11 35 min of the constitution beach rout, felt a weird pain in my back. not looking good for next weekend.
2-5-11 ok, i'm pretty sure i ran once or twice since the last entry, but I have gotten mad lazy with this weekly blizzard cycle we've been in. but amy now has a membership at the Y so today i went as her guest and ran on a treadmill for the first time in my life. 45 minutes on the cross-country setting. pretty tough actually! oh, and ps: i have a ten miler in two weeks!
1-11-11 5 in ~45...ran longer than normal early in the week because we are supposed to get slammed with snow tomorrow and we have a staff retreat this weekend. NO wind today...the calm before the storm!
1-7-11 6 in ~50...finished just as the snow started falling!
1-5-11 4.5 in 40!
1-3-11 3.7 in 35...first run back...ouch!!!
12-23-10 3 in 30ish...cut short by snow! couldn't see any more
12-18-10 5 in ~45
12-16-10 4.5 in ~40 even more cold!
12-14-10 5.5 in 50 (beach to the point) VERY cold!!!
12-10-10 4 in ~35
12-8-10 4.75 in ~45
12-6-10 4.75 in ~45
12-2-10 3.7 in 33...ran some track miles, boring but under the lights!
11-30-10 4 in 40...need to mix it up but it's getting hard to be motivated in the cold!
11-26-10 3.5 in ~33 min
11-20-10 5.75 in ~50 min
11-18-10 4+ in 40 min
11-16-10 4+ in 40 min
11-11-10 3.5 in 30 min
11-8-10 4+ in 40 min
11-7-10 5.5 in 50 min
11-3-10 4+ in 40 min
10-28-10 4+ in 40 min
10-26-10 4+ in 40 min
10-23-10 5.73 in 50
10-21-10 5 in 45
10-14-10 4.5 in 45
10-11-10 4.5 in ~45
10-7-10 another 4 miles in about 40 min...not as great a day
10-2-10 40 min run of just over 4 miles...absolutely beautiful day
9-30-10 did my "normal" run to the pier and back...did it fast though...or at least it felt fast...i think born to run is having an effect on me
9-27-10 Ran to constitution beach...this was one of the happiest runs ever!  when i got to the beach, no one was there except for me and an old man and his golden lab...also no planes took off while was eerily quiet and peaceful and the old man and his dog just sat there and if i had been able i would have done about 20 laps of the beach!
9-25-10 ~ 40 min trail run in lost...nearly trespassed twice...should get a map! great time, though, felt really good
9-24-10 same run as wednesday but didn't feel as good since today was hot and humid...gross
9-22-10 probably hit 3 miles for the first time since the foot injury...feeling good
9-20-10 short 25 run...building back up
9-18-10 foot finally felt better a couple of days ago, so i gave it a few more off to be sure then ran for close to 30 min today.  felt good, foot still not 100% but A LOT better.  had some weird experiences on this run...a woman thought i was chasing her and threatened to call the cops.  tried to explain i was just running for exercise.
9-9-10 gave the foot a few days off (tuesday was pretty bad in the morning)...tried to run on it today and it didn't go well.  think there's been to much pounding after such a long break.  probably won't run zumix on saturday =(
9-6-10 over 6 mi.  ran for exactly and hour...felt great until 45 min (tired/chaffing)...then at 55 min right foot started to hurt...=(
9-5-10 ran to constitution beach, did a few laps and ran back...~4 miles/40 min
9-4-10 trail run with amy...kind of a choose your adventure adventure!
9-2-10 Stairs and mile laps at east boston high
9-1-10 ~4 miles in 35 min (hottest day i've ran in in a long time!)
8-30-10 ~4.5 miles in 40 min
8-27-10 went to east boston high stadium and ran a couple of miles for speed (fastest was 8:10), then ran a mile with stairs (ouch)
8-26-10 long run on a hot day ~5 miles, 45+ min
8-25-10 first morning run, POURING RAIN, ~3.7 miles, 40 min
amy introduced me to this: map my run
8-23-10 50 min run (close to 5 miles) through bremen park, mem stadium, harbor gate...longest run so far...rain helped
      "there is magic in misery. just ask any runner."
8-21-10 38.5 min run to harbor gate with laps in bremen park
8-20-10 36 min run to piers park