i'm not a big new year's resolution person. i think this is mainly due to the word "resolution." i did a little wikipedia work on the word. on the one hand i understand why this term is used (def 1 & 2: the state of being resolute...a vow, or statement of intent). this is all well and good, but it also sounds too definite...like it's already happened, and now i don't have to do any work because everything has been decided (def 6: a formal statement adopted by an assembly).
i like definition 9 the best: a progression from dissonance to consonance. first of all, this is a music term, which i resonate with (ah, another good musical term). second, it points out that resolution is a process/progression. third, we make new years resolutions because there is something missing or out a whack in our lives (dissonance), and we hope that by implementing our plan/process (resolution), that we find some harmony/integration (consonance). i like that.
here are my resolutions or 2008:
1) finish my time in durango well
2) acquire wisdom on being a good husband
3) find a job in boston
4) ...this is the real point of this post...read several good biographies/autobiographies. on the list so far: martin luther king jr, einstein, pete maravich. i need more! please give me suggestions on good biographies to read. (also, if you have any leads on resolutions 1-3, i'd love to hear those as well!)