hi! this is amy again. tonight, steve and i took destany and tyquiana, two girls from the quincy st. neighborhood, out to boston bowl for a night of candlepin bowling. destany and i usually have tutoring on friday afternoons, and decided that we wanted to make this particular tutoring time into a fun outing. so she invited a friend, i invited a friend, and off we went. we had a great time, and discovered that candlepin bowling is a lot more fun when the bumpers are up!
the only frustrating part of the night came when destany and tyquiana wanted to get food. destany and i have started to work on nutrition and learning how to choose healthier foods, since that has been an issue for her...the only problem is, many of the food options available to her on a regular basis aren't good ones. tonight was no different. we spent a while trying to decide the best food choice at the bowling center, and finally compromised on a slice of veggie pizza, which she actually really enjoys. however, we found out that they only offer cheese and pepperoni by the slice, and so that option was out! she was left to choose from (a very large display of) fried chicken, fries, hamburgers, and a couple of subs. in the end, she ate something that wasn't very nutritious...she enjoyed it, but i was bummed that the organizational systems in place set her (and many other kids in this area) up for failure in terms of participating in healthy lifestyles. this is actually what i'm doing my academic practicum on this semester - i'm creating a health and wellness curriculum for inner-city kids - and i've just been blown away by the research i've read. this stuff gets me fired up! ask me about it sometime if you're interested...
I'm eager to hear your speech or read your paper on this. What a bummer! Yet what a vividly clear illustration of (one of) the problems...
amy...i'm super interested!! i'd love to talk to you about this sometime!
I feel your frustration and would love to hear about your research.
i think you and beth should go into "business" together.
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