Wednesday, October 14, 2009

23659 Day 44


close followers of the ID will notice that this is the second time this picture has made an appearance (take a close look at the fellow rapturously worshipping in the back ground). today a lot of stuff happened, and i didn't have my camera for most of it, and i need to go to bed so i don't have a lot of time either, and this post is easy.

been listening to the new crowder album a lot in the last week since i got it. it's great. as with everything the crowder band does, this album is highly intentioned and in no way a random scattering of songs. i can hear some people criticizing this effort as the culmination of their worst fear regarding the bands "descent" in to electronic music. but when you read about what they are doing and the thought process that goes in to their work and how it fits in to our culture, it is nothing less than brilliant.


The RMAC said...


Unknown said...

that is a sexy male...not the guy singing the song of course:)

Josh and Christin's Blog said...

Amazing Photo. David's great, but that guy in the background is the kicker.