this seems like a great idea, especially since the next year is going to be so full of adventures and exciting new things. a preview: starting my new career in ministry with sojourn collegiate minsitry...the rehab and move in to our new home in dorchester...amy's final year of school and new job...possible pets...the giants in the world series...wait, what...and those are just the things we can count on happening.
so, hold me accountable to this...everyday, starting today, for the next year, i will have a picture and post and you'll be able to follow our adventures in new, cool ways.
Day 1
here's our first apartment we lived in as a married couple. not my favorite residence of all time, but special because it is the first place we lived. everyone always says the first year is the hardest...the jury is still out on that one, but a lot of major conversations and life decisions took place in this house. plus we hosted a community group here for exactly a year...and some wonderful relationships, our first real boston friends in fact, came out of that group (which continues on, i case you were wondering). today, then marks, the first day out of 48 granger and so day 1 is about commemorating our first abode.
an ambitious endeavor!...can't wait to follow you through this exciting new year
Awesome. I tried this 2 summers ago, but gave up about 2 months. I have a feeling you'll do better though!
oooh...looking forward to day 2 already!
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