Friday, September 12, 2008


- wrapping up my first week of "full-time" work between starbucks and bird's been busy but fun: learning drinks, getting to know the kids, seeing two very different parts of boston.  it's tiring but i am enjoying it.

- tomorrow we'll be with the quincy street gang.  check out our friend kim's blog.  she had some fun stuff related to quincy street on there.

- also, you could, dear readers, pray for amy and i as we attempt to make a rather large life decision.

- last: i really, really, really dislike the back and forth sniping between presidential camps (all in the name of "campaigning"), but in the middle of that both candidates do have some insightful things to say (you have to do some sifting, but after a while you find gold).  anyway, here's Obama on the community organizing comments that got me riled up (just click on the thumbnail):
Palin comments 'surprise' Obama @ Yahoo! Video

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