Friday, September 05, 2008


some updates and thoughts after a busy week...

- school has started which means i have officially begun my work as the site coordinator for one of bird street's after school programs.  i am at the nathan hale elementary school and it's already a bit crazy.  one of my TA's got a different job yesterday, so i'm understaffed right off the bat.  also, i feel like we have not been prepared well at all.  i am struggling with finding a balance between "humble new guy in a different culture," and "knowing a 100 better ways to run this program."

- furthermore, the decision was made a few weeks ago to make all site-coordinators part time (26 hours a week)...i am discovering that this might not be enough hours to actually do this job well!  nonetheless, it also isn't enough hours to meet our household budgetary requirements so i have been searching for other jobs.  a good possibility would be to sub at a high school down the street from the elementary school...however, that vision may not be realized for weeks, if not months, due to the extremely slow moving behemoth that is the Boston Public Schools.  so, i will be donning an apron starting monday, and embarking on yet another random job in a long line of random jobs: starbucks barrista!

- amy and i have a lot of cool church opportunities developing as well.  we are strengthening our connection to the quincy street/sojourn community that live close by and we are really excited about some of the relationships forming there.  we are going on a leadership retreat with them (sojourn) this weekend.  we also will be leading a small group through reunion starting up in a couple of weeks.  the community pastor has been heavily recruiting me to help with many aspects of small groups in reunion.  finally, hank, the lead pastor, and i have been able to connect and he invited me to a church planting forum at the end of the month, so that should be fascinating!

- finally, i've been following the convention(s) coverage in an attempt to be well-rounded and well-informed.  i'm afraid it's just making me more cynical.  all this talk of change and non-partisan/bi-partisan politics and it sure feels like business-as-usual to me.  like i said, i'm trying to be open to both sides in order to make a well-informed decision (as a registered independent i'm a coveted voter in this election!), but i have to say the republicans turned me off big time when they started dissing Obama's community organizer background.  do they not know what a community organizer does?  certainly there are legitimate questions about his "lack" of experience, but to me this shows just how far out of touch republicans are with the inner-city.  yikes!


Momma S said...

whoop whoop for sbux! very nice. need any extra aprons?

i'm feeling cynical, too. i watched Sarah Palin's (who I am surpisingly intrigued with) speech on the computer the other day, and was annoyed at the "bashing." i know it happens on both sides, but it just feels so high-school-ish. dumb. speaking of hs, i subbed today. mrs. stepanian, oh yeah.

Anonymous said...

It is, no doubt, a fool's errand to play the part of the republican apologist, but I must defend the honor Gov. Palin. Having been viciously savaged by the Obama campaign and the left-leaning media for her "thin" resume, she merely pointed out, in good humor (I felt), that her resume as Governor of Alaska was slightly "thicker" than that of Mr. Obama's, which is, in fact, the plain truth.

boutry said...

a valid point, but not really what i was talking about. i have no problem questioning Obama's experience and track record, but, as i said in my post, what is offensive to me is making working with the poor and disenfranchised the punch line of a joke (and here i am referring more so to Guiliani than Palin, although she did it too).