Sunday, February 03, 2008

10659 snow_day part II

- this weekend i was in seattle/mount vernon, washington, for the CTK Arrows Out Conference. we (chip, dave, steve) had a great time, were energized by some great conversations, and made some big decisions regarding the future of our church...our reward: an even worse storm than last weekend has descended on durango...

...and so we are stuck in denver.

- the good news is we got to see the super bowl (great game, by the way). we also aren't missing too much because everything has shut down in durango (tomorrow will be another snow day for the school district...the second time in a week, after eleven years with no snow days!! that should tell you how bad this storm is!)

- the bad news is we just want to go home! please pray we can make it tomorrow...

ps. we made it back!!! thank you Jesus.

- here are a few pictures from the conference:

- waiting at the airport (notice the weather update!)

- in front of my apartment (a lot of snow, but not nearly as impressive as in chip's neighborhood)


gretchen w said...

Glad your trip went so well. This storm is pretty bad. Here we have yet to get any snow that actually sticks though. I pray that there aren't any power outages up in your area due to the storm. Those are the worst. Hopefully you can get home soon. Oh, and it WAS a great game, wasn't it?!

Momma S said...

are you home yet?

Anonymous said...

G.K. Chesterton's Coffee House! I pretend you included that just for me! Soooo cool!