Monday, February 18, 2008


i couldn't be more encouraged with church right now:
- i am very excited with our direction
- i feel like i have a grip on what i need to "do" for the next three months (yes, my last sunday is exactly three months away...crazy)
- i love the group of leaders who are stepping up or taking on bigger roles
- i wish i could share more details, but those will have to wait until next week

other thoughts...
- i couldn't resist...i signed up for Yahoo! Winner's League 20045...bring it on suckers!
- i love driving with chip to farmington...great conversations
- it's finally warming up and i love watching the snow melt away =)
- i'm so pleased that anna got to meet nina...finally
- do the giants really think bengie molina is a clean up hitter?  there has to be someone else!
- it was good to see ryder at church tonight
- i'm feeling deep gratitude for the generosity of the waley's
- 45 or so beers to go (you know what i'm talking about!)



Momma S said...

let's see...45 beers and three months left...that's like 3.75 beers a week. can you do it?

ps - i am most please that anna got to meet nina, too! and yes, nina, not anna, is getting bigger!

Chip Johnson said...

I know a guy who can help you with the beers!

...and amen to trips to Farmington!

boutry said...

so i miscounted...60 beers down, 40 to go!!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think, "I sure miss Steve. I wish he was here." And then I get sad and then I drink my 9th beer alone.