Friday, September 29, 2006


when i was in college an involved with intervarsity we used to do testimony times with the leadership team...after a person talked about what was going on in their life the rest of the team would ask them questions. without fail this one guy would ask everyone the same question: "do you have a heart for a specific people group." it always got a laugh, and after a while people got creative with their answers. i used to think it was kind of a dumb question.

now, here i am, about to speak at pastor's conference on how to reach specific groups of people (evangelizing the subcultures). suddenly that's not such a bad question.

other than that, this weekend should be a good time for chip and i to connect with some key CTK people...put some faces with some emails and phone calls.

i recently read david crowder's new book: "everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die." the guy continues to put out stuff that is not only quality work in the christian world, but good art period. there is a section of the book called "columns" that really makes the book in my opinion. it is a bit of fiction in the magical-realism genre (ala jonathan safran foer) and it is awesome. i'm still waiting for crowder to do something that does not impress me.

if you haven't watched the video in the link from the last blog, you need to!

1 comment:

Momma S said...

How did it go, Pastor Boutry? Can't wait to hear!