Monday, September 25, 2006


my first summer at mount hermon, rmac introduced me to the concept of the density of time...time is much more than a measure of the passing of moments. there is mass and volume to it...this weekend was a good example of dense time.

congrats to bruce and connie on becoming have marked my life figuratively and literally =)

it was also fun to be with the old crew again...a shout out to mdh, h squared, vivie, b_lum, LG, glee, kdub, big al, drewyap, peter the great, and all the other fabulous people i got to spend time with.

major thanks to mdh for the suggestion of brett dennen...this guy is going to be huge soon we both believe. check him will change your life.

finally, if you haven't seen this, you must:

1 comment:

Momma S said...

What the? is all i have to say to that website.

How are you?