Tuesday, September 05, 2006


there are moments or phases of life that sometimes have to pass before you can say "yeah, that was a real good time." usually i need some time to pass to have the proper perspective.

then there are times when you know, during every single moment, that this is about as good as it gets. this weekend was one of those moments.

rmac and i packed about as much into one weekend as is possible. we cleaned up at the sky ute casino, we got kicked out of the telluride film festival (where we met many cool people, award winning directors, scored free stuff, and even had time to ride the gondola), participated in an ultimate frisbee tournament (which nearly killed me), ate some of joe's amazing barbecue, and pretty much dominated the entire southwest. lives were changed, ladies swooned, and legends were born. it was that kind of a weekend.

now it is back to work...the next 14 days being important days in the life of CTK Durango. these are exciting times...


Anonymous said...

Indeed. That weekend was a large meal, Thanksgiving style, taking a long time to digest.

Sometimes we find adventure and other times it captures us, takes us hostage and we find ourselves on a gondola saying wow-here we are.

Steve Erwin. We miss you. Always.

Momma S said...

that is quite a weekend...which ladies, exactly, were swooning?

so, the other day at church, i saw your face on the big screen...and you were talking...and i missed you. :(

praying for you these next few weeks esp...

Anonymous said...

Which ladies? WHICH ladies?

Gwyenth Paltrow and Nicole Kidman to start. . . .