Monday, August 21, 2006


ctk-durango is only three weeks away from "going public." we are blown away right now with the way things are unfolding and coming together. the last three weeks have been one of those integration/illumination moments where you can actually see things happening right in front of you. september is going to be a big month for us...pray for our information meetings, small group leaders training, and our first central worship experiences.

last night after our meeting the "cadre" was reconvened. we ended up in a big long awesome theological/philosophical discussion, much of it stemming from a book chip and i are reading called "The Myth of A Christian Nation" by greg boyd. this book has been very challenging and thought-provoking. it goes way beyond an indictment of evangelicalism selling out to a political party and is really about what it means to be a follower of Jesus. a lot of it is his exegesis of the sermon on the mount. really interesting stuff and great fodder for great conversation.

i also have a confirmed roommate...he started moving in today. exciting stuff.

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