Thursday, August 10, 2006

00459 asked me for my occupation when i signed up to do is one supposed to answer that? am i only what i do or what i produce? is my occupation only a title? is my occupation only what i do when i am on the clock?

i don't like these kinds of questions. so i went for something deeper than just a title or a role because i am occupied even when i am not "working." so i told that my occupation(s) are illumination and integration...because i am on a quest for both no matter what i am doing at the moment.

so, on the topic of cup 2006 really was a life changing event for me. about a month ago i made a major life decision: to give up the following of all sports with two exceptions, soccer and baseball (although my fantasy baseball league might say i've given up on that).

a major part of this move for me is about integrating things that i am passionate about into a greater whole...the eradication of dichotomies, to quote John MacMurray.

all of this randomness to say: i took a job at the soccer shop...i am the pastor who sells soccer balls! i also get to hang out with the ncaa division II coach of the year, the dII national championship team, not to mention the outfitting of the high school teams and the local youth soccer league.

it's not glamorous or lucrative, but this is what integration looks like (it is all starting to come together).

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