Friday, August 04, 2006


i have a place to live...not the classiest joint in town but it will do for now. it feels to finally have a sense of home even if there is still a lot left to do to be settled. i also opened a bank account, did the change of address some things are finally getting checked off the list.

the next major thing is the of our goals (for chip and i) is to be bi-vocational for as long as we can. right now, though, i'm just vocational.

i'd like to end this posting by promoting the book and bands that i am enjoying very much at the moment. i'm reading this book by george hunter called "the celtic way of evangelism," and it is pretty good. the book is part history, part missiology, and part critique of the modern church's evangelistic approach. i hate summing a book with so many great thoughts in one statement but i guess the best way to describe the celtic approach without giving you the whole book is this: "helping people to belong so that they can believe." that should be enough to pique your curiosity.

then the band of the moment (or the last two months) is "angels and airwaves." i didn't think i'd like this band at first, but the music is very enjoyable and all the more so after visiting their website ( anyone who interested in "exegeting the culture" should check their page out.

that's it for now.

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