Tuesday, March 23, 2010

39759 Day 204


following up from yesterday's story...turns out our BU group meets at the same time and in the same room as the universalist/unitarian group.  they just hadn't been around the other two weeks we've met.

jon and i (mostly jon) struck up a conversation with two of the girls from the UU group and since none of their other members showed we invited them to join us.  and they did.  and they loved talking about character and story.

when it was over they said they would like to come back next week!  this is exactly what these campus expressions exist for.  these girls would likely never come to a church, or a Bible study, but they would love to talk to someone about whether they are living a good story with their lives.  another huge affirmation from last night.

1 comment:

Craig Weyrens said...

Great story Steve. That is really exciting to hear!