Thursday, March 11, 2010

38559 Day 192


i realize i haven't explained what i am doing in idaho at all.  we're here (some of us from both sojourn and reunion) to learn from a church that is doing discipleship and small groups really well.  one of our "mother" organizations thought this would be a good experience for us (and they were probably right...despite my not so hot attitude about it).

anyway, every time i got to something like this i tend to run in to someone i know from some other chapter of my life.  i mentioned this off to one of the guys on the way in and not more than two minutes later i ran into will hoffman (svcc friend).  turns out he's on staff at this church now.  small world.


dad said...

Whoa! What's Will's role at the church? Please say hello for us.

Momma S said...

wow, really small world indeed. amy agan was just telling me about what will does and it sounds super interesting. like they have a whole bunch of community pastors, for neighborhoods and regions and stuff. hope you learn some great stuff!