Sunday, January 24, 2010

33959 Day 146


lots to report on from today, but most of it is going to need to get processed a little bit before getting "blogged".

so, i'll talk about this movie amy and i saw today that i've been wanting to see for a while. it might get loud is about three great guitarists: the edge from U2, jimmy page from Led Zeppelin, and jack white from The White Stripes. they get together to talk about the guitar, their style, and their process for creating art through their instrument.

i loved every minute of it, but, and i'm probably generationally biased, i loved every minute they focused on jack white the most. having read the book getting the blues i knew most of his references and then i enjoyed these two quotes (which i am paraphrasing) very much...

on guitars: "i choose broken and beat up guitars and try to make some beautiful come out of them."

on the creative process: "it's a genesis we see that part of man's curse is to work the ground and the's not have to struggle through until you get it." (as he said this they showed concert footage of him playing the guitar until his fingers start bleeding all over it...crazy).

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