Monday, July 02, 2007


- i survived my first trail run...i got beat by the durango high school cross country team, but i'm ok with that...i got ninth out of the men (twelfth overall...yes, i got beat by three girls)...but i ran the whole way and i accomplished my main goal which was to not get lapped by the hardcore guys running the long course (7 miles vs. the 4.5 mile course i was on).

- thanks to bruce for the information that an echidnas is a spiny anteater...april also informed me that they, along with the platypus, are egg laying mammals. the more you know...

- the echidnas did not have a good week: i'm currently in first with 93.5 points...the enraged one has fallen to 86.5.

- i finished "the blogging church" this week. the whole point of the book boils down to this: blogs are a good way to tell the story of your church...duh!!! i had to read a whole book to find that out?! actually there were some good tips and ideas about promoting blogs and stuff like that...the most interesting part of the book, though, was the section on comments. the author interviewed various church bloggers asking the question: "is it a good idea to allow comments on your blog?" most people were in favor of allowing comments because, in many ways, that's the whole appeal of the blog: interaction and community in cyberspace. however, even those in favor of allowing comments had this to say: be prepared to get hammered on occasion. and then came this sad commentary:

"one of the most surprising and unfortunate developments has been the popularity of Christians attacking and criticizing other Christians online. If you write often about the theology and methodology of your church, you'll find that the dominant critics are not unbelievers but the already convinced. Even more strangley, these naysayers are people who have never stepped through the door of your church. [But] they may post comments on your blog, send you an email, or share their vitriol from the comfort of their own sovereign corner of cyberspace."

luckily i haven't really experienced that too much, but it was interesting to read that this week while preparing to teach on James 3, which is all about the tongue and how we are supposed to talk to each other (by the way listen to the podcast this week to hear a funny story from the race!)

- barry bonds was voted in as a starter in the all-star game next week...wierd...he's supposed to be the most hated man in baseball and the fans voted him in...what a strange world.

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