Monday, January 15, 2007


miscellaneous thoughts...

1) i enjoyed the comments about the most recent post. some good thoughts and even counseling taking place in cyberspace. so, thanks for participating.

2) we're swinging into a new small group season here to start off the new year. my group is studying ecclesiastes and i have been having a great time preparing for that. i have no idea if this is going to work in a small group (i think it will, but that doesn't always guarantee success), but still i am excited to see what happens and where it goes.

3) we continue to seek new ways to serve our the next few weeks we'll start cooking dinner at a different shelter in durango.

4) i've recently been found on myspace by an old friend from college...he and his wife and friends are doing some pretty cool things in stockton, ca...i've added a link to a forum about what they're doing called "The Great Banquet"

5) donald miller has some excellent thoughts about the upcoming presidential can read these thoughts at his blog


Anonymous said...

good words from dm

Anonymous said...

I went to church. And I lived. Just an update.