Wednesday, November 29, 2006


items of the utmost importance and extreme significance for the week of november 26-december 2nd.

- today is the last day in november which means i have been in durango for four months...part of me wants to say "four months...that's all," the other part realizes that this constitutes one third of a year, amazing.

- i love the exchange between sarah and ryan in the comments...good stuff...

- i am currently reading "what is the what" by dave eggers (number two on the all time favorite authors list). this book is very different from the other stuff he has written (including, but not limited to, "a heartbreaking work of staggering genius," "how we are hungry," and "you shall know our velocity") what is the what is to do with the story of a Sudanese refugee and in many ways this book is actually the heartbreaking work of staggering genius. (here is a plug for

- now that the hockey fiasco is winding down, things are pretty slow at the soccer shop...until january when indoor starts. arsenal is also disappointing us as well. they'll have a great game (see their 3-1 win over hamburg in the champions league), then stink it up with a inexplicable 3-1 loss to bolton (in the EPL). way too inconsistent.

- CTK-durango's momentum continues to build...we will be multiplying our small groups in january, moving into the bigger room in pickles on christmas eve, and looking for more ways to expand our service in the community. personally, i am enjoying this season very much, but i can't wait for the calendar to flip over to january because i think many exciting things are going to start happening once the holidays are over.

- i'll be in salinas and available to hang out the last week of december...let me know if you'll be around.

- lastly, this man is a genius:


Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I'm stuck here at work, Steve-O. Know this: I miss your musk and I hope you are delving deep into the Shuffle.

Tell the poker boys I send my deepest supple love to them.

And I hope your church bursts into a chorus of Win One More For Jesus.

Momma S said...

I, personally, don't know how I feel about the interactions between ryan and myself on this litte, but significant blog. i still think he needs to figure out who he is...are you rmac or ryguy - what's it gonna be, buddy!

Anonymous said...

hmmm... ryan, are you having an identity crisis? maybe i'm missing something.
well, demetri martin made me chuckle! :)

Anonymous said...

Hmph. You think you know me. But you don't know me. I'm just a man who enjoys Steve's blog. Maybe I'm Jon Huckins.

Boutry: two questions you must answer:

1. Do you watch the Office? And if you don't, do you realize that your soul is incomplete until you do? (It's a two parter single question. . . back off.)

2. Pick of Destiny?

This is what the rmac said indeed.

Anonymous said...

yes, 'tis true rmac, but amazing race vs. the office… amazing race hands down.