Monday, November 28, 2011



amy and i have been revamping our living room. we added the chair on the left last night, so that we can have his and hers wing-back reading chairs! we also picked up the chest so that we (finally) have a coffee table type thing so folks don't have to set their glasses on the floor any more. feels a little more homey now.


John Paul said...

i think i'm supposed to feel sweet and sentimental right now, but i am laughing my head off! i. cannot. believe. you. still. have. that. chair. i like you guys!

boutry said...

hey john paul, is this really sarah? just curious. and thanks!

mom said...

the new chair makes the old one look even sadder....I love the new one! when i bought that old one (25 years ago)...i never dreamed of the life it has had!!!

boutry said...

these are the same things amy says. i don't see it. i think my love for that chair is blinding!

ps. the story on the chair is we found it on craiglist...some lady in the burbs bought it for her office 2 years ago, never sat it (she called it a decoration), then sold it to us! pretty much a brand new chair for 50 bucks.

dad said...

Only God and Steve know how many great books were read on that chair... long live the chair!