Saturday, August 07, 2010

52759 Day 340


today may have been the most traditional married day of our lives.  amy and i rose fairly early, for a saturday, and drove over to south boston to eat sticky buns at flour (i actually woke up half an hour before the alarm and couldn't fall back to sleep because i was so excited). while we were there we also drank coffee, read the globe, and complained about the state of the world =)

back home, amy spent the rest of the morning gardening while i hung pictures and screwed in the braces for a set of curtains.

the early afternoon involved reading, a shower, then watching the red sox (for me) while flipping over the us nationals (swimming) in california (for amy). 

then we made dinner and played cribbage on the back porch.

we are officially an old married couple! 


Momma S said...


dad said...

Having chosen well, it's glorious!

Kait said...



Also, I never got back to your message. BUT YES. Yes is the answer! I'm so excited to see you guys!!!!!