Sunday, February 28, 2010

37459 Day 181


so i hear there was like a big hockey game today or something.  didn't see it.  tonight amy and i went to a fundraiser at a local church for heal africa.  the connection comes through amy's clinical instructor who is a christian and who has traveled to congo and serves as a health advisor for this organization.  we saw a wonderful and challenging film, lumo, and also got treated to a great dinner and some good conversation (got to talk a bit about sojourn too, which is always fun).  amy has been learning a lot about women's health and global issues of justice for women through this rotation and the book: Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide.  if you want to know more about this stuff feel free to ask her about it, she's got a lot of good stuff to share!  anyway, pretty great experience all around!


Tim said...

I watched the hockey game and got into it...i feel like a lousy human being now...

Liz said...

Thanks for the title of this book - looks like one I need to read!
from John Paul's mom :)