Monday, December 14, 2009

29759 Day 105


as of this posting my wife, amy, is officially done with the academic portion of her doctor of physical therapy program. as a result i am bursting with pride in her awesomeness. she has been through a lot this semester. in many ways this was the most difficult semester academically. we were out of own space for two months. we moved in to our new place in the middle the semester. plus i was/am in the middle of my own transition into collegiate ministry with sojourn. there has been a lot going on! through all of that she had pressed on and done some amazing work.

today, all of the final year PTS's (physical therapy students) presented on their practicum projects...which has been THE major project of the semester. amy dedicated her practicum to developing and writing a health and wellness curriculum for Bird Street Community Center (where i worked last year, did summer camp, etc). she produced some truly awesome stuff (i am trying to convince her to get it published). she presented on it today and did a great job! my favorite part was watching other PT students look through her material and get really excited about what they saw. one even exclaimed they learned something just by reading a brochure on food serving sizes.

but the best part, for me, was the feedback she received from her faculty mentor. her mentor "specializes" in projects that bring health resources to populations and communities around the city that lack access to such things. she told amy that her project was the best one she's ever seen. that is so cool!

way to go amy!


karen said...

Awesome! I am really proud of my are amazing Amy!!!

dad said...

Amy Boutry AND Amy Boucher??? Congrats to Amy Boutry!!!

Momma S said...

I'm bursting with pride, too!

Liz said...

Way to go Amy!
from Liz Stepanian :)