Sunday, July 12, 2009


we have a lot going on right now.  summer camp is in full swing (a fairly all-consuming swing at that).  amy is in the midst of an intense 10 week clinical experience.  we are in the nitty-gritty stages of the home buying process.  plus we have family visiting, weddings to attend, more social gathering invitations than we have time for.  oh yeah, and i'm working on fundraising so that i can actually have one job and focus this fall.

i have to admit that in the middle of all that sojourn gets lost.  september, though right around the corner, still feels a long way off, especially with more pressing details and deadlines staring me in the face.  

which makes me all the more glad for the series we are going through at reunion right now.  it's called "roots" and it looks at the four generations described in genesis, starting with abraham.  which is cool, but even cooler, for me, has been the series of video stories they've done where different people in our community have shared about their own spiritual "roots".  we've heard three stories so far and for each one the pivotal moment arrived when they were in college.  

fascinating.  inspiring.  

these five minute stories are keeping me focused right now, reminding me that what i'll eventually be doing this fall is so vital and important to God's kingdom.

1 comment:

dad said...
