Sunday, April 26, 2009


it's been a apologies.  the season is changing rapidly here in boston...winter is long gone and it's feeling a lot like summer will soon be upon us.  which reminds me of what our house felt like when we first moved in...and the warmth makes me think of camp...and i realize it's almost been a year now since i left durango, got married, and made the move to the east coast.  so while we've been going at a breakneck pace for a while there has been some time for reflection in recent days... i make yet another transition (back into full time ministry) i can't help but think about what an incredible year of learning this has been...learning how to be married, how to work in a difficult environment, how to speak up for yourself at work, how to buy a house, how to live in community, how to make new friends, how to budget for two, how to survive in the city, how to love, how to work with kids, how to live on less than 6 hours of sleep a night, how to balance two jobs, how to go to a church you didn't start, how to raise support, how to make decisions as a couple...

...the list could go on and on.  i don't pretend to have learned how to do any of those things well...but i do know that this year has been an education like no other.  i like to call it "how to be a man" and it's the best class i've ever taken!


mom said...

Awesome!! I can't think of a better title and way to get there....proud of ya!

Momma S said...

Wow...I thought this was a big year for me. I'm super encouraged by the list of things you are learning. Looking forward to seeing you guys soon - are you gonna stay with us?

Jon and Jan Huckins said...

I can't relate to ANY of those "learning objectives" my friend:) Oh wait...