Sunday, November 02, 2008


shameless plug: if you vote on tuesday, go to Starbucks, tell them you voted and you can get a free tall cup of coffee...

and remember that even more important than voting on november 4th is acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly on 11/4/08, 11/05/08, 11/06/08, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.


Chip Johnson said...

I'm going to vote that they give away hot chocolate at Starbucks.

Anonymous said...

Good word, Steve. Me 6:8 is a good verse to remember.

How do you prove to Starbucks that you voted? I did the absentee vote in the mail.

Anonymous said...

Hey I guess my comment that I left earlier this morning didn't go through. I couldn't agree with your summary statement more......i say....amen.

boutry said...

micah, sbux is just giving people the benefit of the doubt.

chip, i'm still waiting for someone to come in and order man juice =)

Anonymous said...

Man juice.

Hey, no Obama won post? Are you serious?

Or are you still running around Boston, shirtless, saying, "WHOO HOO!!"

boutry said...

i'll only do that when the giants win the world series

Anonymous said...

Okay, all the whining about no one leaving comments is working. Seriously, stop celebrating and put your shirt back must be freezing. We had our first snow this morning. I can't wait to get a Boston/Durango snow comparison.