Friday, July 18, 2008


- thoughts on church..., for those of you who don't know i am a pastor's son, a seminary graduate, an intervarsity alumnus, and i just finished a two+ year church planting experience.  on top of that i've read (probably) way too many books about church.  so i bring along some baggage when i go to a new church.  it is difficult to take the critic hat off and fully enter into the experience.  for these reasons, and many others, the church transition has been, perhaps, the one i've been most nervous about...

...all that being said it seems like we're settling in with Reunion Christian Church.  reunion is a new non-denominational church in boston (they are associated with the big idea, for the church model nerds out there).  this weekend amy and i are going camping with some folks from reunion's sister ministry Sojourn.  check the links if you want to know more about them.  pray that we'd have a good weekend and that we'd start some new friendships.



Momma S said...

how was camping?

boutry said...

it was great...wet, but a lot of fun