Monday, December 03, 2007


- to everyone who has offered their congratulations over the last week: a big thank you!!!

- we're starting an advent series this week...going liturgical for a few weeks...already it's begun to affect my thinking.  a couple of early thoughts: a lot of Christmas is built around familiar and long standing traditions (many of which are great) but the original Christmas is about God doing something new.  

a question i've been wrestling with is: what is something new God is calling me to do this Christmas season?  

which leads me into the next thought...approaching Christmas as a season and not an event or a day.  it seems so much of my own thinking centers around this big event or day that i feel stressed out about or rushed (with traveling, shopping, etc) by the time i actually get to it.  i feel this season that i might actually be "ready" in the sense of anticipating what God might do.

-the podcast is back for those of you listen to it.  the link is to the right.  


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