Monday, May 14, 2007


...there are all kinds of little events that can lift us out of whatever we might be dealing with at particular moments in life, and this week i had two of those moments that make you just a little bit happier to be alive...

...on tuesday night at small group, the daughter of one of the women in our group gave me a soccer ball wrist band...a small gesture, but it made my day, and so i wore tonight while i taught on james 1...i thought that was really cool...

...i aslo got the "new" elliott smith cd in the mail on friday...i say "new" because elliott died in 2003...he's been one of my favorite (if not my all time favorite) artist since the end of high school...his music, though dark, has always been a comfort and a window into my own life ever since i came across it.

...the album is called "new moon" and is mostly songs that didn't make it on "elliott smith" and "either/or" (from his days on the "kill rockstars" label...which put this album out) a lot of posthumus work and collections of songs that got cut from earlier records, there are a lot of throw away songs, but there are a couple great ones ("whatever: folk song in C", and "angel in the snow" in particular...along with the cover "13")...more important though was being able to hear an elliott song for the first time was like talking to an old friend you haven't spoken to in a long time..., 2 small things that helped make my week...

...other thoughts...lots of other good new music is set to come out this year...i continue to enjoy reading just about anything Eugene Peterson writes...i like my new job supervising soccer small group is the best!



Momma S said...

Was elliot old? i didn't know he died...

i can think of one thing at least that should be making your week in about a day or two from now! :)

boutry said...

he wasn't old...34...killed himself...pretty tragic actually...and your week will be made in a few hours =)

Anonymous said...

So what is going on? What made your week? What? What?

(And you need to watch all of How I Met Your Mother. It was soooo awesome. Not Molly awesome, but awesome still.)

Well, I'm busy awesoming so I have to go.

boutry said...

dude, amy was here =)

Anonymous said...

which is WAY more awesome (awesomer) than even Molly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Indeed! That's like a super sandwich deep friend in awesome.