Monday, April 23, 2007


- our first sunday at the rec center was a success (check out the new podcast to hear more). we revisited our purpose and vision and also looked into the future which was a lot of fun...there are a few things to work out with this new spot (they locked the doors on us!) but i think it's going to be a great place for us to worship. we also had two first time visitors which is always exciting. here's a picture to give you a little idea of what it looks like...

- chip, jenn, and i are going to be in california (salinas) may 3-6 to meet with and thank those of you who have been supporting us this last year. we are going to have a meeting at SVCC may 4th at 7 pm, so if you're in the area come check it out. i've been working on a video that we'll show at that meeting to give a glimpse into our church and life in durango and it's been really cool to hear the stories people have to tell...God's been doing some cool things in our little community.

- other the movie "Saint Ralph". i just saw it for the second time this weekend with my friens seth and i love's sligthly irreverent, but very's funny and true, and that makes any work of art great.

- i've also overtaken first place in my fantasy baseball league...i don't think my team has really done that well yet, so i'm not sure how to evaluate this early season success...but hey, i'm not going to complain!


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