Wednesday, February 07, 2007


if there's one thing i've learned from this blogging experience it's this: if you want people to respond, talk about the poor or reveal information concerning your love if you're thinking of starting a blog, take that into consideration!

here's what's going on...

- the early feedback from our new small group format is pretty positive. in particular, i am loving my group. i had some concerns about studying ecclesiastes but this group has definitely risen to the challenge so far.

- interesting things continue to develop with our church...from people stepping up into new/increased roles to developments in terms of a more "permanent"'s all very exciting and i am enjoying the moment and also excited about what will happen next.

- congrats to tony dungy...he demonstrates that you don't have to be a certain "type" of person to be a leader and that success is defined in bigger terms than winning and losing.

- finally, i knew this day was coming, but it's sad to see mike matheny go...he is a great man in every sense of the word and the Giants are going to miss him.


Anonymous said...

First, thanks for updating the blog. About time.

Second, I thought I'd publically announce my interest in Fantasy Baseball. Don't want to miss it this year. Doesn't that start soon?

Third. There is no third.

Momma S said...

hey! i don't really have anything to say just now...but i wanted to say Hey You! hope you are having a fantastic day! we just drove around for like 2 hours, real slow like, like two old married people or something. it was awesome! love you bro!