a couple weeks ago amy and i went to a 65th birthday party. bob, whose birthday we celebrated, gave a speech. a bob speech is always an event anticipated with a certain tension between fascination and trepidation. but this was a good (short) speech. he basically said we need to celebrate more, even little things.
that was interesting to me. here's a guy who has been living in and serving our neighborhood for longer than i have been alive and i figured he might have used the occasion to wax eloquent on any number of topics. instead he told us to have more parties.
yesterday we kicked off advent at reunion and during the four weeks leading up to Christmas we are looking at four words to frame our advent conversations. the first: celebrate. he quoted beuchner who says that our society constantly pressures us to turn every moment and encounter into a "thing to be done." celebrating is how we fight this depersonalization.
i don't have a whole lot offer here by way of conclusion. i'm an introvert...i don't especially like parties. but i want to be a better celebrator.
* the pic is from my first fireworks show in boston ('08)