Thursday, November 22, 2007

09359 engage(ment)

on tuesday afternoon i asked amy to marry me and she said yes! the asking included all of the following items: a journal, marsh chapel (the roped off, balcony area), a story, flowers, the element of surprise, the 52nd floor of a tall building, love, and, of course, a ring. i'll let you figure out how all of that works =) or you can just ask me and i'll tell you the are a few pictures...

Monday, November 12, 2007


Food Night is Awesome!

- Book Recommendation: i recently finished an excellent book, The Holy Longing: The Search for a Christian Spirituality by Ronald Rolheiser. he's a catholic priest, so about 2 percent of the theology is a little wierd, but that's good for us too! thought provoking, deep, challenging, and affirming, i think he has a lot to say in the conversation about christian spirituality.

- Music Review: i love the new angels and airwaves album, "I-Empire". what little music snob is still left in me says i should hate this music (the sound is huge and relatively one-dimensional, the lyrics are overwhelmingly positive, and the melodies are relentlessly catchy), but i can't help it...i love everything about it.

that's it for now...peace!

Monday, November 05, 2007


old guys skating =)

- other updates: no podcast for a few weeks because we're doing some different things teaching-wise that don't translate well on the podcast fomat. it will return in december!

- the durango herald soccer team met it's demise in the playoffs yesterday...3-2 overtime loss...bummer, but a fun season!

- that's it for now...keep checking the link from last weeks post to see updates concerning the niece!